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Nashville, Tennessee Facial Rejuvenation – 整容, 眼皮手术, and More

纳什维尔的整形外科中心 in Tennessee offers facelift, 眼皮手术, 耳成形术(耳部手术), 额头上电梯, 下巴手术, 和更多的.

使用这些面部年轻化程序, 我们的女性整形外科医生可以逆转衰老的迹象, 改善面部对称性, 并赋予你更独特的面部特征.


Learn about our Board-Certified plastic surgeons and why you should choose two RealSelf 500 award winners for your next procedure!


Learn about our Board-Certified plastic surgeons and why you should choose two RealSelf 500 award winners for your next procedure!


在纳什维尔的整形外科中心, we offer facelift surgery as a way to enhance your facial features and give you a youthful, 更有活力的外观.

小升降机 -迷你面部拉皮

一个快速,安全,更实惠的替代全面整容. 小升降机™ can be performed quickly with a much shorter recovery period versus traditional facelift surgery.


一个快速,安全,更实惠的替代全面整容, 小升降机™ can be performed quickly with a much shorter recovery period versus traditional facelift surgery. 小升降机™专注于面部的特定区域, 比如脖子和鼻子和嘴巴之间的褶皱.

Our female doctors at 纳什维尔的整形外科中心 use short, well-hidden incisions to perform this minimally invasive procedure. The surgeons will lift, reposition, and remove loose, redundant skin to achieve optimal results.


It’s possible for those experiencing the first signs of aging to get a fresh new appearance by reducing minor sagging around the cheeks, 下颌的轮廓, and neck much more economically than the conventional facelift approach! 纳什维尔的整形外科中心 proudly offers the 小升降机™ to meet these goals and provide an effective solution to early aging.


Because 小升降机 requires minimal undermining of facial skin, 组织损伤较少, 瘀伤, 和传统的整容相比,会有肿胀. This translates to significantly less downtime as well, making treatment as convenient as possible. 大多数患者在大约一周后即可重返工作岗位.


绝对不是! Dr. 玛丽·金格拉斯博士. 梅林达向左转 at the 纳什维尔整形外科中心 are both fully trained Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Dr. 向左转和Dr. Gingrass will evaluate each patient individually and make recommendations regarding what type of facial rejuvenation procedure (if any) will benefit their specific cosmetic concerns. 纳什维尔的整形外科中心 offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical options.


纳什维尔的整形外科中心 in Tennessee performs 眼皮手术 to help give your eyes a refreshed and youthful appearance.


Brow lift surgery is performed in conjunction with other facial rejuvenation procedures to help even out facial features and restore a balanced and youthful appearance.


A brow or 额头上电梯 is recommended to correct drooping skin and improve the horizontal lines and furrows of the upper face. 提眉术可以与拉皮术同时进行, 为整个脸部提供更光滑的外观. Eyelid surgery/blepharoplasty may also be performed at the same time if a patient has significant overhanging skin to the upper lids. A low, heavy brow combined with an otherwise youthful-looking face makes facial surgery look obvious. If the entire face is treated as a unit and features are kept in balance, 结果自然得多, 提供一个休息和恢复活力的外观.


在前额提拉手术中, 从耳朵周围开始做一个切口, extending along the top of the forehead from one ear to the other. The incision is often hidden behind the hairline to ensure minimal visible scarring. Once the incision is made, the surgeon carefully lifts and removes any excess tissue. The forehead and brow muscles can be altered, if necessary to conform to the lift.


You recuperation following brow lift surgery will depend on the extent of surgical facial rejuvenation performed. 这可能在您咨询期间确定. Most patients notice resolution of swelling 10 to 14 days after surgery.


Your recovery will depend on the extent of facial plastic surgery performed during your treatment. Your individual recovery period will be discussed during your consultation at 纳什维尔的整形外科中心.


As with any other surgical procedure, a 额头上电梯 presents its own potential risks. Our surgeons will take the utmost care to ensure you experience as few complications as possible. Potential risks include asymmetry, facial numbness, and transient hair loss. We will discuss other potential risks and the measures we employ to prevent them during your consultation at our Nashville, 田纳西州的办公室.


Laser skin resurfacing is a safe and proven procedure that can improve the appearance and texture of your skin.


Ready to book your procedure with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons? Contact us today to schedule your consultation and begin your aesthetic journey!